Secondly, you should write down what you remember about your case. Normally, memories fade over time and when you share your facts with your attorney, you may leave out small but important details. For this reason, it’s important to write down all the details of the incident and allow your attorney to decipher what’s important.
If you’d like to know more about our investigators and experts, please see our INVESTIGATION section.
It’s also not a good idea to attempt to contact the complaining party and try to either persuade them to “drop the charges” or to see things your way. Quite simply, this can land you in jail. If that witness calls the police, they can charge you with dissuading a witness which may land you in jail AND be used against you in the original case against you.
One way to create a lot of headache and confusion for yourself is to attempt to “Research” your case on the internet. While the internet holds the answers for many questions, when it comes to giving you insight on your criminal law situation, it almost always causes more confusion than its worth. The law is too complicated and fact specific to be explained on a website. Most of the clients that have done this have come to me confused and with lots of misconceptions that have caused them more harm than good.
Get witness names and addresses. Sometimes, a lot of time passes between the incident and when the case actually goes to trial. Its important to get these names so that our investigator can then contact them.
Act and Dress appropriately in court. How you dress and act in court goes along way in having people perceive you in a good or bad way. I ask my clients to dress as if they are going to church or an interview. No need for suits and ties, but no t-shirts, shorts or hats.